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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  February 1, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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been very valuable and talked about them for, you know, a listening time. but something has happened these past hundred years. things have gotten turned upside down. we still have an ethical code. individuals abuse those codes quite frequently. you know? and still people do bad things. >> we're having a little trouble with your mike. do you mind? >> now maybe you can hear me. testing. okay. should i start all over again? no. and that individual with me tonight is my wife carol! and the revolution is alive and well. now, i do want to check -- i want to check and make sure that some of you remember a year or
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two ago when i was here, does anybody remember that we used to talk about ending the fed? [ chanting ] okay. how about it's time to bring our troops home? hey! and it's time to not load up our prison with non-violent criminals associated with our drug war. let's eliminate the war on drugs by the federal government. and as i was saying a minute ago, i was going to get a little bit into the history of liberty.
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and making the point that personal contact is very important. even if you live in a perfectly free society, the conduct of the citizens make all the difference in the world. and so the code of conduct actually started even before probably 300, 400 years before moses gave us -- brought down the ten commandments and no lying, no cheating, no stealing and no killing. good code. and most people follow it. it's still people recognize it. there's a lot of abuse but people still recognize you're not supposed to steal. you're not supposed to lie. you're not supposed to murder and kill people. but what has happened is now it's turned on its head. my biggest goal is to make sure that government doesn't do any of those things.
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we have a government that will lie us into war, they steal through the income tax. they steal through fraudulent debasement of the currency, through the federal reserve. so they are the real culprits and there's a lot of unnecessary illegal unconstitutional wars going on and too much killing coming back to haunt us and we have to take that under control because it will not bring us peace and prosperity if we continue with the foreign policy that we have today. thomas hogshead said a long time ago the ideas of liberty must grow weak in the hearts of man if the tyrants ever want to kill -- before the tyrants can kill those ideas. so once the ideas of liberty become weak in our hearts, that's the only time tyrants can be successful.
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and the good news is that the american people in spite of the media, in spite of what you read, in spite of the propaganda, in spite of the polls the love of liberty is growing by leaps and bounds which is going to put the tyrants on defense and that's exactly what is happening today in the campaign because they don't want to hear the message of liberty. they will have people all over the spectrum because they will all argue for the use of more government and more authority. conservative authoritarianism as well as this ancient yidea of te government control of the economy. one thing that's interesting in the orderly history is the plymouth community. it was unsuccessful. more than half died and collectivism and they starved. and after two years, the governor bradford said it is not
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working. what he's saying is socialism wasn't working. so he made this really wild suggestion. an idea that had been around even before plymouth colony. he said, why don't we turn the property over to each and every one of you as an individual. guess what happened. productivity skyrocketed. there was no more starvation and the interesting part is that there were excesses. excesses in production. enough to take care of all the people too sick to have a garden. so it does work. it does work if we just give it a chance. this whole idea an ento think now that we have people on the wide end of the spectrum that want to say we need more government, more authoritarianism, whether it's conservative or liberal conservatism. i'll tell you what, this country
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should not even pay any attention to the concept of going backwards to the ideas of socialism. you know, after -- after we had the -- well, the ten commandments and all, another major move on the ideas of freedom was the great charter, the magna carta and made an attempt to hold the government to the same conditions that they hold the people to. and the idea of the writ of habeas corpus. think of what's happened today. the writ of habeas corpus. there are some running even
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today as conservatives willing to give up the writ of habeas corpus and sacrifice the liberty around far long, long time. i would say be careful. look for the civil libertarian that understands that and i've heard the candidate we're supporting here tonight make very clear statements about the whole idea that our government now can hold people without charges. and not only that, some of them can end up in guantanamo and who knows where. but the principle of liberty needs to be revived. i'm saying it is being. we have ever reason to be optimistic because we can't just listen to the polls. we can't listen to one election. because i'll tell you what's on our side. what's on our side is that we don't have to have nuclear weapons to win this. ko we're on the side of good ideas.
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so the whole job we have is getting that message out and understanding that liberty is a moral issue. it's an individual issue. and it's built around a principle of nonaggression which i think is wonderful and beautiful because what it does it says we can't aggress against anybody else. does that say that we should impose ourself on other people? no. you know, there's a lot of talk about in this campaign about humility. i happen to sort of like the subject and think that it pays off to be a bit humble at times. and libertarianism actually encourages you to be humble because the first thing you do is you recognize what you don't know. and that, you know, you get a long a lot better if you say i
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don't know that answer. in politics, how do any of us know what's next for the next door neighbors? how they should spend their money and go off and fight wars. we don't know what's best for them so we should admit we don't know. but then the other thing that humility invites is that we're willing not to do the things we know we shouldn't do. and if you get confused, i have a simple solution. if you're not sure about we should or should not do, for political reasons, we could start with the constitution. that would be a good place to start. the constitution. the other thing is there's been a lot of talk about corruption and i don't know if you've been reading the news. there's been a little bit of that in washington. little bit of corruption there. but most people think, you know, get rid of corruption, when the
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politicians take the money under the table. there's some of that. and it's rife to be annoyed with that. but where the real corruption is is in the ideas. the ideology, the policies that we have. the stealing that goes on, robbing people who work hard. making sure that interest rates can't be paid to anybody. if you're retired and want to take care of yourself, you have zero or 1% interest rates and somebody else gets free money and bailed out. that's corruption and considered legal. but the corruption of ideas. this collectivism. this whole idea that you don't have a right to your life. you don't have a right to your liberty an you don't have a right to the froouts of your labor. i happen to believe that we should have all those rights. now, let me close because you
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have a special speaker coming up here. freedom, remember? it's popular. freedom is popular for one very good reason. it brings people together. are we divisive in this country? couldn't be more divisive. yelling and screaming and hollering and demanding and say i'm going to do this, i'm going to do this. i have the solution. it's not freedom they're offering. why does freedom bring people together? like it brought the people together at the plymouth colony. they came together. they worked hard. families worked. they had more production. they helped the people who couldn't take care of themselves. and it stamped very clearly that it didn't work. what was the 20th century all about? 20th century i think we should look back and hopefully we can look back and say the one thing we did, we buried the ideology of communism and we didn't have to drop one nuclear bomb on them.
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but if you understand liberty it should bring everybody together. why? because you're not going to tell other people what to do. it opens up the door for whatever religious belief you want. whatever beliefs you have on sexual behavior. whatever beliefs you have on what books you read. you don't have to have the government involved in these decisions. you bring people together. that means leftists and people on the right if they can come to a libertarianism because they use their liberties as they see fit and if we're not going to be -- so much judgmental and make an opinion and use liberty in a bad manner but if they use it and you think it's immoral, you have to be tolerant of some of the things people do because
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if not it doesn't work and then the iron fist of government to say you are going to live your life this way or spend your money this way, and one side says you should have these kind of habits, the other side says this is the way to spend your money. i think a simple explanation of this is what would it be like, you know, if you had a next door neighbor that you thought they weren't raising their kids right. you marched in and you gave them instruction on exactly what to do. it wouldn't go over very big. this is what we do around the world. we go around and we tell people but i think, you know, dishonestly. we tell them how we'll make them great democrats and a great democratic society. we set it up. we force elections. they get elections and we don't like the dictator and we bomb them the next day. this is the insanity of that foreign policy and where we are going on civil liberties because they don't understand that every individual should be protected and be friends with everybody that honors and respects the
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idea i'm never going to interfere with your life and property and always a square deal and do what we promise. can you imagine what a wonderful world that would be if anybody accepted those principles? yet, i don't entrust it to the government. the government is now the biggest abusers of those rights so our goal is to further spread the message of liberty and work toward this freer society. and i'll tell you what you can do. you have not just the theoretical stuff. i like the theoretical things and the history of liberty. but then there are some practical things. every once in a while a few of us get involved in politics. you know? we try to get things done. but you have an opportunity tomorrow and to spread this message by sending a message. it can make all the difference in the world. so, yes. it's very frustrating and a lot of people are very frustrated about doing it. one thing i learned early on from a teacher of mine, he said
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that, remember, it is not a majority issue. we are not democrats in that sense. that it's not the majority that you need. you need an irate minority keen on spreading the brushfires of liberty into all the people because if you spread this message the minority which is 8% of the population, believe me. if you're in this audience tonight, you're already in that 8%. so you don't have to get disgusted. but for us to be and discouraged. but for us to continue the success we have to send a message. we also have to take your leadership and get people in to office. i always thought my role was mainly to go to washington on a promise and do what i said and get re-elected figuring maybe somebody would look at it. but look at the record. but this is important. so yes. the political process is filled with frustrations and
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irritations and corruption and all these things. but the prevailing attitude of a people is always exists in the government. the prevailing attitude of the people is in flux. the era thats of 20th century, not only communism and then taken over by keynesian and it's coming an end and that's wonderful. because our message -- there is no other message that will bring the people together other than the message of liberty. and that is the only answer that we have today to offer. the vacuum is out there already. it's collapsing. even today we're wondering when will our government tell us we can't take cash out of the bank. that system is dead and gone. it's just a matter of further collapsing and we have the answers and monetarily.
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we have the answers on free market economics and property rights, civil liberties and a sensible foreign policy. so in order to make a big point what you need to do is get behind the next president of the united states, rand paul. ♪ >> thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
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i think you have just heard from the father of the modern liberty movement. i'd like to introduce my wife kelly. we have only been married for 25 years. and someone is here, my brothers and my sisters and a whole group of texas, if they would stand. the lord's prayer is 66 words long. the gettysburg address is 286 words long. the declaration of independence
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1,322 words long. but the government regulations for the sale of cabbage are 26,911 words long. president obama has added 25 million words of regulations. we have a government -- we have a government that is literally run amuck. obamacare was 2,000 pages long. you remember what nancy pelosi said, right? you can read about it after we pass it, she said. i've got a better idea. why don't we read the bills before we pass them?
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unelected bureaucrats have added 20,000 pages of regulations just for obamacare. i've got a novel idea. why don't we repeal two regulations for every one we consider? i think liberty is under assault like never before. without liberty, our senses are dulled and dumbed down by rules and regulations. the question we face is not, though of just the moment but it is of such magnitude that we must choose today whether liberty can survive in a democracy unrestrained by constitution. can a civilization that chooses to transfer the fruits of labor from one group to another, can such a civilization long endure?
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won't we inevitably run out of other people's money? the american experiment with liberty is not totally won. today, tomorrow and the day after that, we must fight to restrain big brother. will you stand with me? will you stand together against the rising tide of government excess that threatens to trap us in the clutches of big brother? will you stand with me? thank you. [ chanting ]
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thank you. thank you. i think we have -- i think we have confirmed you will stand with me. i hope you -- i hope you will also -- i hope you will also caucus with me tomorrow. in washington, and on the campaign trail, republicans and democrats alike call out for bigger government. only a president who understands the corrupting influence of big government can stop it. on the right, the call is for enlarging the military state. on the left, they call for enlarging the welfare state. and the dirty little secret in washington is the right and the left always get what they want. more spending and you get stuck with the bill.
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you guys are getting it. cheer for the good stuff. booing. the loudest voices in washington for more spending are actually right now republican voices. recently, cruz and rubio put forth an amendment -- they put forth an amendment to increase military spending by $200 billion. >>. [ inaudible ] >> so i decided i would counter this amendment. they wanted to increase military spending $200 million. i put forward an amendment that said if you want to increase military spending, you got to cut it somewhere else. guess what happened, though. cruz and rubio said, oh, we'll only vote to raise spending but
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not if we have to cut something. this is the story of washington. everybody wants to spend but nobody has the guts to cut things. when i'm president, we will balance the budget because i will look at all spending across the board. the inconvenient truth is that you can't be a conservative if you are liberal with military spending. we do -- we do not become a stronger or a safer nation if we borrow from china to inflate our military budget. we spend more on our military than russia and china and the next eight nations combined. more than ten countries combined
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is what we're currently spending and there's waste everywhere. from $43 million to build a natural gas gas station in afghanistan to a nearly $1 million we spent developing a televised cricket league for the aft afghanis to watch. the military spending if they trade democrats a whopping dose of increased domestic spending. to balance the budget we have to restrain across the board all spending. that's how i've been able to propose a budget that actually balances. the national taxpayers union named me the most frugal lawmaker in washington because i'm willing to look everywhere for wasteful spending.
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both parties carelessly infringe on our civil liberties and contribute to an assault on the bill of rights. the left attacks your second amendment right to bear arms. the right attacks your fourth amendment right to privacy. i'm the only candidate on the stage who will defend the entire bill of rights. since the terrorist attack in san bernardino, the left is calling out for more gun control but the right's calling out for more people control. the left calls for bans on gun sales and the right clamors for the government to gather up all of our records.
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i don't know about you but i say that our phone records are none of their damn business. they claim -- they claim we won't be safe without letting the government collect all of our records. but there's no evidence that their actions have made us safer. two bipartisan commissions investigated the government's bulk collection of all of your phone data and found absolutely zero terrorist plots were disru disrupted. the circuit court, the court just below the supreme court, ruled that the bulk collection of phone records is illegal. cruz, though, claimed he was with us on reforming the nsa. but he talks out of both sides
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of his mouth. you saw him on the debate stage when rubio questioned him on this, he said, oh no, he voted for the bill because he favors allowing the nsa to collect 100% of your cell phone records. if his goal is to collect 100% of your cell phone records, he greatly misunderstands the liberty movement. i've got a better idea. why don't we collect 0% of your phone records? keeping the government out of
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our records is essential to creativity. pink floyd understood -- all right. all right. just pink floyd. pink floyd understood the genius needs to be left alone. whether your ideas are politically correct or not, whether you're a painter or a self-proclaimed prophet, the exhortation is to shine. shine on, you crazy diamond. for the crazy diamonds to shine, government must get out of the way. the believe me alone generation is a generation that believes they can conquer the world and solve any problem if left free to follow their dreams. you have the leave me alone generation and i want you to shine, shine on.
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it isn't -- it isn't about how government will lead us to prosperity. the debate is about getting government out of the way of human ingenuity. to defend ourselves without bankrupting america we must reexamine our foreign policy. ted cruz, donald trump, marco rubio, let's just say et cetera, et cetera, they will tell you that they want to carpet bomb the middle east. cruz wants to make the sand glow. trump has informed us that our problem is that we have been unwilling enough to use nuclear weapons. i'm the only candidate who asks, will indiscriminate bombing of
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terrorists create more terrorists than we kill? i'm the only one willing to point out that every time we have used our military might to topple secular dictators from saddam hussein to gadhafi, the result is chaos and the void has not been filled with jeffers jeffersonian democracy. the void has been filled with radical islam. the iraq war alone cost us a trillion dollars. we lost 5,000 of our young brave men and women. thousands more live on with catastrophic injuries. as commander in chief, i would never, never ignore the human cost of war.
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thank you. the other candidates offer you more of the same. macho rhetoric. fearmongering. and perpetual war. rubio says we should shun putin. kasich says we should punch him in the nose. christie says -- christie says that we need to be ready to shoot down russian planes. currently flying over syria and iraq and yet no one asks what happens next. alone on the stage i call for a
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reasonable, realist foreign policy where we stand strong enough to deter any attack but not eager to start world war iii. war, war should be the last resort. not the first. when we must fight, it should be to defend america. not for regime change and not for nation building. when i am president, we will only fight wars that are constitutionally declared by congress. one candidate in particular wants you to give him power.
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he tells you he's rich so he must be smart. if you give him power, he says he'll fix america. but you know what? there's another tradition in america, a tradition that believes that power corrupts. and that our goal should not be to gain power but to contain power. to limit presidential power. our founding fathers feared centralization of power. as madison wrote, where an excess of power prevails no man is safe in his opinions, his person or his possessions. our founding fathers wrote the constitution to restrain the accumulation of power by government. trump is ignorant of this tradition.
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and in many cases he is overtly opposed to the limited government philosophy. he believes that government has the right to seize your property and give it to a rich crony through eminent domain. this is abhorrent to anyone to champions the rights of the individual. he supported the government bailing out of the banks. he has used government to get rich and bully his competition and now he asks you to give him power. this race -- this race should be about which candidate will protect you from an overbearing government, not which candidate will grab the ring of power.
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electing gallum should not be our objective. i am the only one in this race who doesn't want power or dominion over you. i want to set you free. i want to leave you alone. and i want a government so small you can barely see it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. for several years now i've been fighting against indefinite
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detention. the law that allows american citizens to be imprisoned without a jury trial. a law that was sadly signed by president obama a few years ago. my fear is that one day a president might use indefinite detention the same fdr used executive power to send japanese-americans to internment camps or detain african-americans like they once did in the south. power corrupts. as we have seen with an out of control irs using its power to harass and intimidate conservatives. the irs presumes you are guilty until proven innocent. imagine being detained without a trial because your own government deems you suspect but doesn't have to prove it. when i think of the terrible possibilities of indefinite detention i'm reminded of a
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scene from "to kill a mocking bs disregard" when atika stares down the mob. scout comes to the rescue. she recognizes the leader of the mob as the father of a boy from her class. i go to school with your son walter, she says. he's in my grade and does right well. i beat him up one time but he was real nice about it. tell him hey for me, won't you? the little girl broke the angry mood of the mob by personalizing it. scout found the inner humanity that exists even in a mob hellbent on violence. when there is a mob intent on indiscriminate government searches, when there's a mob intent on detention without trial then someone must stand up, someone must stand up and shout down the mob. as president i will not only shout down the mob i will end
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indefinite detention once and for all. when everyone says we must give up our liberty for a false sense of security, i can't help but think of atikus again taking the case of defending tom robinson, most of the townpeople thought him wrong. in washington that sentiment is often true. after my filibuster for the right to be left alone, some said i was the most unpopular person in washington. but i thought of what aticus fimpbl said. before i can live with other folks i've got to live with myself. the one thing that doesn't abide
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with majority rule is conscience. the majority is not always right. in fact, the majority is quite often wrong. for a republican to win again we will need to be brave enough to believe that ideas are powerful. maybe even stronger than armies. to win we will need to become a bigger, better, bolder party. we need to welcome people of all walks of life, black, white, brown, with tattoos and without tattoos. with earrings and without earrings. we need to be a bigger, better, more diverse party and azumi dad always says, liberty brings people together.
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it's the common desire to be left alone that binds us all together as unique individuals. after all, big government hurts people from all walks of life. rich and poor. the woman in detroit who wanted to run a hair braiding business out of her apartment and got shut down by big government. the developer moving dirt on his own land who was jailed by armed epa agents. the small business that can't compete with corporations and their armies of compliance officers. accountants and lawyers. the elderly woman losing her home to eminent domain. the teenager from a poor family facing jail time for marijuana. what do all of these individuals have in common? they are all losing their liberty to big government. today your government has 48 federal agencies from the irs to the department of education.
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they have heavily armed s.w.a.t. teams. is this freedom? >> no! >> when i am president, these attacks on our liberty will stop once and for all. the gop has been the party of emancipation. we are the party of civil rights. we need to be the party of justice. justice begins when the war on drugs ends. a generation of young black men have been incarcerated and permanently lost their privilege of voting and the opportunity to work.
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the war on drugs has disproportionately incarcerated that live in poverty in our cities. 3 out of 4 people in prison are black or brown. we must begin to treat addiction as a health care problem and not an incarceration problem. for five years i have fought, i fought for a vote on a bill my dad worked two decades on, audit the fed. i fought for five years just to get a vote on the bill. but what i finally got a vote on
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the bill ted cruz was nowhere to be found. and -- [ inaudible ] in fact, ted was the only republican to miss the vote. even worse, ted maintains that the correct response to the great recession was to have the fed more aggressively lower interest rates when we all know -- when we all know that artificially low interest rates are the problem, not the solution. when i am president, the federal reserve will learn that their days of unlimited power are over.
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[ chanting ] america has much greatness left in her. we are still exceptional and we are still a beacon for the world. we will thrive when we believe ourselves again. i see an america strong enough to deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnecessary intervention. i see an america where criminal justice is applied equally an any law that incarcerates people of color disproportionately is repealed. i see an america with a restrained irs that cannot target and harass american citizens for their political or religious beliefs.
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i see a simplified flat tax that unburdens our citizens from the fear and intimidation of the tax code. i would unleash -- i would unleash the engine of capitalism to create jobs and opportunity like never before. our corporate tax is the highest in the world. is it any wonder that our companies are leaving our shores? money goes where it's welcome. i would bring corporate investment back by cutting our corporate tax and immediately bringing home $2 trillion in american profit to stimulate our economy.
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i see our big cities once again shining and beckoning with creativity and ingenuity with american companies offering american jobs. i have a vision for america beyond partisan squabbling, beyond petty divisions. with your help, with your help this message will ring from coast to coast. a message of liberty, justice and personal responsibility. a message that will gain support from across the political spectrum. a message that will prevail and a message that will ultimately carry your message of liberty to the white house.
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thank you. thank you. i'm going to introduce now cliff maloney, head of our students for rand paul for the whole country. he's going to make a couple of announcements but i also wanted to make one myself. the cameras set up back here and doing an interview with megyn kelly. and if anybody wants to stick around and show her what an enthusiastic crowd we've had tonight, we'd love to have you.
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>> hi. i'm just going to scream. listen up, guys. we have 10,000 college students colleged to caucus for senator rand paul. if you'd like to speak on behalf of senator paul at the caucus tomorrow, whether you're in state, whether you're from florida, anywhere, anywhere in the world, and you want to speak for his message of liberty, we have folks at the back table who can get you signed up. we need every caucus to represent the ideas of senator paul so we're inviting all of you guys to sign up today to speak on his behalf f. you're a student, we have a meet-up location here at the university of iowa. right back at hubbard commons. all right? big round of applause for the next president of the united states, senator rand paul!
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♪ ♪ tonight, voters in the state of iowa are attending caucuses throughout the state to choose presidential candidates for each party. coming up next, we will take you to boone county, iowa, for republican party caucus. live coverage here on c-span3.
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>> there you go. this is your ballot. do not lose it. >> it's like a concert ticket. treat it like a concert ticket. if you lose it, that's all you get.
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>> thank you very much. that's it? awesome. >> go right down to the gym. >> we will. thank you. >> what's your last name? >> lohman. >> how are you? >> good.
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>> right here.
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>> sign that. >> treat this like a concert ticket. >> we're live in boone county, iowa, for a republican caucus. you have been watching some voters as they check in and
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they're getting ready to caucus in the state. now, this is only one of about 700 caucuses that will be held at various locations. schools, libraries, church basements, fire stations and even living rooms. there will be a series of straw polls or informal voting instead of voting machines. there will be folded pieces of paper passed around and collected and tabulated. as you can see, they are checking in here in boone county for the iowa republican caucus tonight here on c-span3. we will be taking you there throughout the evening.
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>> don't lose it. >> thank you. >> if i could have your attention, please. in about two minutes, the doors are going to close, which means no more people will be in line to be able to register. which means we will be able to get our caucus process started. in the meantime, once again i'm going to ask you to try to slide together. we do have a few more people to get in. another thing


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